Feelings of shame when you yell at your kids
Feeling ashamed at yelling for your kids?
You just blew up at your teen since they didn’t take out the garbage. They know it is a responsibility of theirs this week. You just heard numerous excuses why it happened and all you can do is yell at them to get your point across so they understand why this cannot happen! You become even more irritated.
Your reality before you even walked in the front door:
*Your husband called and said he needed to work longer.
*The groceries need putting away
*Asking the kids for help, which will irritate you if they don’t respond fast enough
*And dinner, checking in with kids, animals and picking up around the house!
There are ways to discover how to regroup before you even go into the house. Create a ritual. Remember, you never know what to expect with growing kids trying to navigate life. Be ready to walk in with your own challenges but with some compassion as someone who is here to be the best parent you can be. And if it doesn’t go as planned, you will have new skills to repair the yelling, losing your shit and creating some humor to learn from the moment.
I can help you not be ashamed and know that you are the parent
When you feel ashamed, you are yelling at your kids, but what you want is to feel is that you know what you're doing as a parent. Move through the shame.
If you want to break the cycle of feeling ashamed at yelling at your kids, break the cycle. Work with me and you will let go of feeling ashamed and become a better parent.